Tuesday 22 November 2011

More fun for lil ones!

Very Traditional Games

These traditional games are very interesting for children and adults.Wonderful for great family time

About the brand:Kreeda meaning "play" in Sanskrit is involved in reviving traditional games and learning through play. The games have been created keeping tradition in mind and have also been made as environment friendly as possible by avoiding plastics and using naturally available material. 

TST153-Kalanay Belanay
Kalanay Belanay is an interesting game played with shells,made of paper powder and board and is unusual and exciting. 
This game is a true representation of the value of research and the role of all people in ensuring that such games are preserved.

TST154- Battle Of Lanka
This is a game conceived by Kreeda, and is the third part of the Ramayana series. In this game, Rama and Lakshmana, along with their new friends Sugriva and Hanuman decide that the only option is to fight a war with Ravana and rescue Sita. It was a mighty battle fought between the rakshasas led by Ravana and the vanara army led by Rama.

The purpose of the game is to familiarize children with the characters and events of the battle of Lanka in a fun and child friendly manner. Colourful and well illustrated cards make this an exciting game to play. It brings the players face to face with legendary and colourful characters like Hanuman, Jambavan, Indrajit and Kumbakarna. Each card provides information about a character or event in the battle. Children will enjoy the cards and have fun making up new ways to play the game.

TST155- Aadu Puli Aatam
This is a two player game of skill, strategy and thinking like chess. There are 3 tigers and 15 goats. The tigers try to kill the goats while the goats try to corner the tigers so they cannot move. This is a game requiring concentration and planning.

TST156- Kattam Vilayattu
This is the second level of Kattam Vilayattu or the Square Game - a fun variation of noughts and crosses. Designed to be a pocket game that can be carried around, it comes in three levels of increasing difficulty. It makes an ideal take home gift for parties or to carry along for travel. A two player game it is suitable for children over five.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Happy Children’s Day!

Wishes all its members a very Happy
       Childrens Day!
The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things. - Plato

Children’s day is celebrated in India on November 14th. Universally Children’s day is celebrated on November 20th.But in India we celebrate this on 14th as it was Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday. Chacha Nehru as the children fondly referred to him, was fond of both children and roses. In fact he often compared the two, saying that children were like the buds in a garden. They should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they were the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow. He felt that children are the real strength of a country and the very foundation of society. Most importantly he did not discriminate between the sexes and believed in giving equal opportunities to girls and boys. In fact his own little girl grew up to be the third Prime Minister of India.

Children have the right to enjoy! Let’s aspire to make this day special for them!

 Activities we can plan for Children’s day!
-      My son and his cousins are fond of me baking at home, and they enjoy it because we all do it together. So we will definitely bake on that day.

-      We will watch a movie together.

-      We have planned to donate some clothes, stationery etc to Red Cross.

-      They enjoy when we sit and play together, we recently bought some new board games – Junior Monopoly, Discover Asia, and Scotland Yard. Even though the kids are 5+ they enjoy it a lot when we parents join them and sit to play. It’s so much more fun that way.

-      Most children may have school that day and have lot of activities in the school itself, so instead of having an elaborate plan, something small can be done to close the day. Spending quality time with them by playing with them, or reading a book together, cooking, or any activity that you and your children enjoy doing together.

Do let us know what you did for Children’s day! Hope you have a great day.

We baked the cake...
sorry for posting it late!
It was lots of fun
with so much hon,
choco and sugar.
we measured, poured & mixed
finally got it fixed
waited for two hours for it to cook in the hot oven..
finally it was a job well done!!
Then came the decorating,
and everyone going me, me me
well it was their day and
I said, well, your way!

Thursday 10 November 2011

Volcanoes - Tell me Why's November Edition

Home of the Gods 

The Japanese believe that Mount Fuji is the abode of the Gods and that the scared spirit of the mountain protects them. It is also believed that climbing the mountain earns God's favour, but that one must be pure in spirit to make the ascent. Every year, more than 200,000 people climb this beautiful peak.

Picture courtesy :http://famouswonders.com/mount-fuji-at-the-central-region-of-honshu/

Iceland's Hot Springs

Iceland is a volcanic island, and it has more hot springs than any other country in the world. This otherwise cold country has over 250 hot springs, and the hot water is piped into homes and buildings for central heating. Iceland's hot springs provide cheap, pollution free, renewable energy in addition to being a great tourist attraction.

Picture courtesy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haukadalur

Why do volcanoes erupt?

What are some popular myths about earthquakes and volcanoes?

Animals and Earthquakes!
Have you heard of the Red river?

Know more from the Tell me Why series
Tell me why series is a monthly magazine that gives a whole lot of information on the chosen topic, and 100+ amazing and interesting facts in between the articles. It is ideal for 5+ years and for ardent readers. It is a complete reference resource for children and has many photos and fun facts too. Toyshare recommends this book for every knowledge seeker!