Tuesday 5 June 2012

World Environment Day for kids

After watching the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" by "Al Gore", I was quite affected, as others and maybe followed some of suggestions for a while (Except that we now have got used to CFL bulbs) and then it kind of faded off.

We definitely want the world to be safe,moreover for our children and their children to have a beautiful world to live in. What we do today is going to affect our children.

World Environment Day is celebrated June 5 to create awareness of the environment. A day to promote caring for our planet, Earth. Perhaps just a day is not enough, it should become a habit or rather a way of life to do things eco-friendly way, so our kids also inculcate the same values.

Simple things like, never keep the tap water running, while brushing your teeth or switching off lights when you are leaving a room or reuse paper at home or perhaps take a 5-10 mins walk to the nearby store than your vehicle.. hmmm with the petrol prices sky-rocketing thats definitely a good option :)

Well, you can share any such habits you follow or intend to follow with your lil ones.

Here are also some fun activities to introduce some environmental concepts to the young

Fun way to introduce the water-cycle -

Some toys/books/puzzles in library on environment..

may be we should add some more to our collection :)

Its really become imperative that our kids realise the importance of environmental conservation. Thanks for taking a tiny step towards it, by opting for a toy library and promoting reuse of plastic. 

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